
  • 产品名称:KOVA* Glasstic* Slide 10 and Slide II尿沉渣计数板

  • 产品型号:87144
  • 产品厂商:其它品牌
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KOVA* Glasstic* Slide 10 and Slide II尿沉渣计数板 型号:87144 包装:100片/盒

KOVA* Glasstic* Slide 10 and Slide II尿沉渣计数板

型号:87144    包装:100片/盒

  • Slide 10 is made of Glasstic, a plastic with the optical qualities of glass, and is suitable for single focal-plane viewing Slides have 10 numbered wells of uniform depth and volume for standardized reporting of homogeneous urine sediment
  • Hazard to the analyst and cross-contaminating samples are kept at a minimum Effective for use with bright field, phase contrast and polarized-light microscopy
  • Available with 9mm grids etched in the center of each well Slide II is similar to the Glasstic slides described above, but is less expensive and has four wells per slide
  • KOVA* Glasstic* Slide 10 and Slide II

    • Manufactured from optically clear plastic with same refractive index as glass
    • Each 10-chambered Glasstic Slide features 10 individual fully segregated specimen wells
    • Capillary action reduces pipetting errors
    • Suspends sediments homogeneously throughout the specimen
    • Eliminates other variables, providing precise, reproducible fluid distribution throughout each chamber
    • Chamber walls prevent specimen leakage and cross-contamination
    • Glasstic slide grid is in the focal plane of the specimen, allowing for use over a range of magification
    • Provides results that have high correlation with results obtained with precision hemocytometers: red blood cells: r: 0.99; white blood cells: r: 0.99; platelets: r: 0.93

  • Microscopic examination of Urine and other body fluids
    Glasstic slide 10:100 slides with grids
    Urine sediment analysis system
    Plastic with the optical qualities of glass

